BikerBear is still .............. Mauritius.

14/17 ......

Here we have the Battle of the Breakfast Banana between Red Whiskered Bul Buls.

Possibly not as good as some other blippers birdie action shots (am thinking Life's Little Moments and ArtistAnnie to name but two) but I am thrilled to have caught these colourful birds in mid-squabble.

Each morning I take a couple of bananas down by the pool to feed them an they never disappoint - there are a few that will eat from my hand which is fabulous.

Now, if you want a smile today, take a look in the extras for a Zebra Dove using Himself's head as a ski slope - he landed and, just as I was taking the photo, he started to slide forward - I was lucky to catch this particular shot!!  

I think this may also qualify for WildWednesday25 (wildwed25) hosted by the lovely Cailleach ........

Many thanks for all the lovely comments for my tinytoesintheocean yesterday .....

Way behind with FlowerFriday16 but I will get to look eventually - I promise.
This week is FlowerFriday23 - no twist - just come as beautiful you are!

~ Anni ~

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