What a drama...

Patsy Kensit and David Beckham! At the same table! In Manchester!....Blimey! 

I nipped into town to meet up with Chrissie and to have a mooch around the Vogue 100 Years Exhibition. There were some fabulous photos and it is well worth going to.

We then had a meander around the Northern Quarter...with our cameras of course. As we wandered down Market Street I spotted an old lady with a walking frame, her legs were bent and as she clung on to her frame it looked like she was going to crumple to the ground. We rushed over, through the people who were busily getting on with their day and oblivious to her struggle. 

It turned out that she had gone in to town for an audiology appointment at Boots and was now making her way to the taxi rank. There was maybe only a hundred metres between her and the rank...it might have well have been The Alps because she wasn't go to make it. We tried to support her but it was no help. A woman spotted our plight and rushed into Costa and borrowed a chair, what a welcome relief that was for her. Another woman raced down to the taxis and got him to drive up for her... it was a one way road, but she had jumped in the back and made him drive up. It was a black cab and the driver let down a ramp which is used for wheelchair access, but there was no way she could get up it, she can't even step up a kerb. He had to give up. 

The lady, Mrs Purse, said she usually phoned for a certain taxi that was an ordinary car, but she just needed to walk those hundred metres to where he would pick her up. Well, we weren't going to leave her so we stood at each side of her to lend a hand. Her gnarled, arthritic hands trembled as she clutched her frame, her knees were bent at forty five degrees and couldn't straighten, but she shuffled on. The poor lady was never going to make it.

We needed help....I rushed into Marks and Spencer where staff were dressing the front window. I quickly explained the problem and asked if they had a wheelchair in their first aid kit that we could borrow. They were marvellous, one ran off through the store as I rushed out to tell Chrissie help was on the way and within minutes Mrs Purse was ensconced in the chair and being pushed down the road. Mrs Purse phoned for her car and said she would be fine now....there was no way we were leaving her. The two lovely ladies from M&S and Chrissie and I stayed with her until the car arrived and helped her into the seat. Thankfully, Mrs Purse said she wouldn't be repeating the trip into town again. 

What a day!

I can't believe it is Film Star Friday tomorrow...what on earth can I do????
Just tag it FSF18 if you fancy joining in.

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