Raspberry Harvest!

I didn't think I was going to get raspberries this year , I'd gathered a handful now and then, and munched some as I was on my plot, but the chickens really got more than me! But when I went up to open the chickens there were the raspberries - full, fat, colourful, ripe! No mould, no insect damage, just lusciousness! I spent over an hour picking them and ran out of containers and had to use a plastic bag! I then went on to harvest the courgettes, sweetcorn, pumpkins, beetroot, lettuce, red onions, swiss chard and flowers! There will be more of all of these apart from the pumpkins and red onions! Chutney and jam making for me tomorrow!
As i gathered my crops I came across these 2 slugs doing what comes naturally. On checking the internet on the mating habits of slugs to find out what the glutinous jelly was, I found out it was not jelly but their male genitalia!!! Plus it comes out near their heads! Plus courtship can last hours! Plus if they get caught up in all their writhing, one slug will chew off the others member!!  A process called apophallation! Apparently as they are hermaphrodites that slug can still go on to have babies! Weird or what - as if slugs are not gross enough as they are! 
As party girl and her mum have gone away i am looking after their chickens and Raz the tortoise!  When i got there they had gone to bed, but as i had corn for them they soon came out - but only 4. I knew they had lost some this year but was sure there should be 5. I decided I would have to text them and see how many there should be.I got sidetracked into pulling up the fence. When they first had the girls it was taut, had an upper ring of chicken wire and was electrified. Over time the electrification went, then the upper wire, and now the fence is dragged down with grass, brambles and vines. I can't believe a fox hasn't got them and when I look after them I prop it up as no way do i want to be the one to find them all massacred. Good job I did because i found the 5th one hiding in the undergrowth next to one part of it! She had a very messy bottom so I took her into the kitchen, sat her in the sink, cut out the feathers crusted with poo  and washed the rest! Used a nice pink towel to dry her and then took her back to the coop where she tucked into the corn I gave her!
Party Girls mum does not intend getting more chickens when these go, and I did wonder if I should offer to take them up to the allotment coop.  They have such a lovely space to roam in, with brambles, trees, I'm not sure they would like the smaller allotment plot. I'll think on it! 
Found a text from their mum when I got home - the 5th one is called Willow and she was telling me she was poorly so not to worry if she died whilst I was looking after them! I think she is just moulting and growing new feathers. I could always tell her she died and take her up the allotment!!!

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