Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching


This is me in the pirate outfit that TSM bought me for my birthday from the pound shop. Aaaarr! 

Except the t shirt came separately from Amazon. And there was an inflatable cutlass but it kept deflating so I used an Ikea kitchen knife instead. And I already had the bandana, I bought it years ago in a camping shop - Millets I think it was. And I did the bad teeth effect using Pixlr on my Macbook. And the stubble is my own. But the eye patch definitely came from the poundshop. Which makes it quite an expensive eye patch. Aaaarr! 

Anyway this is me not looking like a very convincing pirate.  Although still scary but for different reasons. Like when you find yourself on a late train next to someone who is drunk and talking about their collection of stuffed badgers and how their probation officer doesn’t understand them. Aaaarr! 

Went to the Water's Edge cafe for coffee this afternoon, sitting in the early autumn sun. So gorgeous there. And the cakes are wicked. Apart from that and the swashbuckling diversion, today was a domestic day, bit of dejunking, shopping, doing the house and garden. Even pirates have to do the housework. Or I suppose they do boatwork. Unless they are retired and living in an old pirate’s home. In which case they can just sit around all day with other pirates doing crosswords and reading clues out to each other. Like, when one of them says, “Six letters. ‘Villain of the seas’.  Third letter Aaaarr!”

Dylan update: bloods are doing better. Back to plan A (slightly modified). Probably discharge Tuesday or Wednesday.


Two years ago I took this picture of a group of five colleagues; only one is still with us, the rest have moved on to pastures new...

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