breakfast of champions

This a milestone.  (In reality, more like 7 mile stones).  I went out on the bike this morning with Anniemay.  The original plan was to cycle straight to the cafe - about 2 miles away - and then come home.  But as it’s virtually all downhill to the cafe and the wind is in our backs, it’s not really much of an achievement.  So I suggest we go the long way round.

It’s a big deal - it’s the first time since May that I’ve been out on the bike.  A coffee and almond croissant seem reward enough.  Especially as I’ve had herself riding alongside, grinning and nipping at my ankles like a terrier that’s been confined to kennels for far too long.

We sit outside.  There is nothing quite like a cafe in the sun after a bike ride and we bask in warmth and self-congratulation.  Just across the way our bikes are parked in the bike racks of another milestone - a new library.  That’s right - a NEW library.  Families with young children are parking their bikes and wandering inside to partake of the knowledge on offer.  This makes me smile as much as the bike ride.

We wander over to have look round.  It’s bright and airy inside (see extra) with lots of interactive stuff for children.  And books.  Anniemay wants some Yoga books and checks out the inter-library loan system.  30p a book.  Amazing.

As I’ve already hinted, the way back is a long uphill drag and into the wind.  I’m going to be slow and AM is champing at the bit, so I loosen the leash and she zooms off with an agreement to wait at the top of the hill.  It’s hard going and I’m almost stuffed.  She’s about 400 yards ahead when I remember there’s a top gear on the motor.  It drains the battery and I’ve never used it before, but needs must.  It only works if I pedal harder - and so I do.  

She doesn’t hear me coming and I catch her just before the top of the hill.  I’m doing 15mph uphill and into a headwind and the motor cuts out just as I draw level.  I have enough momentum to keep going; “Ciao baby.” 

In case you’re wondering - to keep the bike legal on British roads, the motor has a cutout at 15mph.  After that you’re on your own.  It is possible to poke a screwdriver and a soldering iron inside and fiddle around and bypass the cutout.  But it all seems an enormous faff.  

We turn into our road and she generously allows me to win the sprint to the garage door ;“Ciao baby.” Again.

ps; apologies for being a bit late with comments, but the dog ate my laptop.

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