just an ordinary day

Anniemay; “You’re going to make me the butt of one of your jokes, aren’t you?”

me; “Oh yes my love.  It’s a doozy.”

Anniemay has an appointment for an eye test first thing this morning.  So we drive to the opticians.  It’s the wrong one.  I point out her error; “you should have gone to Specsavers ……ha ha ha ha ha ha ha..”

I’m still laughing when we eventually arrive at Specsavers.  She humours me.  Her eye test takes about half an hour and when she emerges, she has to go through the even longer process of choosing specs and/or contact lenses.  Lots of questions to ask and decisions to make, so we take a break and go next door to Giraffe for breakfast.

I have avocado toast with roasted tomatoes and a poached egg.  Yum Yum.  She has  scrambled eggs.  All right, if you like that sort of thing.

There are quite a few people having breakfast this sunday morning and I’m struck by just how ordinary this is.  Which makes it extra-ordinary.  

When I first joined Cancerworld, people talked about bucket lists; you know the sort of thing - ascending Mt Kilimanjaro on a pogo stick, or water-skiing on the backs of dolphins - things you must do, before you do whatever it is that people with bucket lists do.  That idea has never worked for me.  What I value above all else is normality - being able to do ordinary things, that other people seem to do all the time.  Like going out for breakfast.  Or riding a bike.  Anniemay gets the significance of this simple pleasure as well.  

So - the second ordinary day on the trot.  Quite extraordinary.

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