Lovely Friends
What amazing people to travel all this way to visit me! These gorgeous ladies were all students at Chester College in the mid 1980's, where they gained their degrees, then went their separate ways. We have stayed in touch over the past 30 years, usually meeting up in London. We are missing Jane and Jackie, but along with Michele and Lisa they are in our thoughts this weekend, as we continue to reminisce....and wonder how 30years have flown so quickly. Now very successful professionals with multiple homes around the country, it has been lovely that they have visited me in mine this time.
Today we enjoyed sun and breakfast in the garden. Later we went in to Cromer where we walked to the pier, and had coffee overlooking the sea. Karen & I walked down to the pier to see Mollie where we took a few photos.
Helen had endured a very long drive from Oxford, and arrived later in the afternoon. We sat in the garden and had tea, before driving in to Sheringham for an ice cream from Renaldo's or Ronaldo's....or whatever it is! More photos by the sea, we then drove home to get ready to go out.
We had dinner at The Roman Camp pub. It was very nice - upper class fish and chips for 3 and Helen had chicken. We chatted lots. Sometimes I wonder how long before we actually ran out of things to say. I don't think we would.
Dinner was nice, and at 10 we returned home to open a bottle of wine or two, then continued the conversation.....until now. Well, we aren't students any more, so sleep has crept up the priority list!
Love these ladies!
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