Toots in Solitude

By Toots



For the past year ceramicist, Dave Cohen, has been working towards an Exhibition to mark his eightieth birthday. I have taken a few pictures along the way, 1 & 2
It is now finished and opened today at Aberdeen Art Gallery.
It features 6 main pieces, each giving a representation of 'banana' in differing visual character, from the representative form of the pentagon to the imaginative lively dancing banana skins.
I think it is a masterpiece.

On the homeward journey Donald and I ventured some of the beautiful coastal route from Stonehaven and even dropped down the steep and rugged road to Catterline and the landscape that Joan Eardly worked from in so many of her paintings. The cottage she had lived in is tucked in the hillside. Four of her paintings hang in the Aberdeen Art Gallery. She was indeed a wonderful artist.

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