'We are what we do.'

By Hasywell

Simply Brilliant!

I have had the most perfect day!

Beginning with a paddle board lesson which was fantastic - I have booked another session for next week! Absolutely loved it and will definitely be saving up to buy my own.

This was followed by a picnic lunch and dip in the sea at Slapton.

This evening was spent sitting outside at The Crabshell Inn with live music and entertainment. Wasn't expecting the Morris dancers or the sea shanties though!

Finally finishing with a walk in the fields at home spotting shooting stars - I spotted 3! ( the next two to three weeks are perfect for seeing them if the skies are clear.

See - a brilliant day!

Three beautiful things:

Finally having a go at paddle boarding - brilliant!

Dozing on the beach

The night sky 'thick' with stars - first time in ages.

One thing to be grateful for:
My health

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