'We are what we do.'

By Hasywell

The six spotted Burnett Moth

Until today I didn't know what these were. On my trips to Strete Gate I have seen lots of red flashing past me but today I managed to find one settled on this thistle. A quick search and now I know. Amazing what you learn as a consequence of the Blip World!

Three beautiful things:

Achieving my first 5k run (albeit on the treadmill) - in 10 weeks I will be running in the Bupa Great South Run (10 miles) raising money for children with cancer. I was really proud of myself today.

A windswept afternoon walk with the dogs on the beach - the waves were huge!

An impromptu BBQ with the neighbours this evening! Perfect.

One thing to be grateful for:
The thunderstorm waited until we had finished our BBQ!

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