Do you want a doggy bag?

I wish I had enough command of the language to be able to say, 'I wouldn't feed that to a dog!' 

This morning we went to Meyssac. It's market day on a Tuesday and it was nice to have a coffee and a wander about. Afterwards we went to Collonge la Rouge. I had a dream about Collonges la Rouge last night, I suppose I must have unconsciously seen the name on a sign. The thing was after my dream I had the suspicion it was so named because of the red monkeys they had there. Complete balderdash obviously when you're awake but when I googled it this morning I found it was just a mile on from Meyssac where we'd planned to go.

Anyway we went there and our first thought was lunch. It is a very pretty place with all its red stone buildings (a bit like Bishopsteignton) and we settled on a place with a 19.95 euro menu. I'd never heard of 'Bavette' before but I understand it's quite well thought of. I don't think that's quite the same as the tough old lump of horse that we were served. Ah well, you win some you lose some.

I've put a pic from Collonges in as an extra but there are some more pics that I'll put up on Fl*ckr when the internet allows.

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