The Aros below Tenga

I drove in to Tobermory to Books and Tackle to get myself some flies and fishing permits. The forecast was bad already - and I hoped for lashings of rain to fill Mull's spate streams and maybe tempt a late run of sea trout up the rivers.

The weather was supposed to turn really nasty in the afternoon as I head south to the little Aros river. When I got there the water was surprisingly coloured and I thought my luck might be in.

I was reminded vividly of fishing on small riviers in Wales with my dad  over forty years ago. He's ben long gone but those excitement and despondency of those saking days by roaring rivers beats inside me still.

The 'going' along the river was insanely difficult with a delicate 10 foot rod through hazel scrub, bog, cliffs and more. The promised rain didn't really materialise and by five I had had enough. The wind was definitely picking up and there was talk of cancelled ferries.

But it was wonderful in its own way. I'd seen no-one and struggling down to little promising pools and chucking a spinner across potential lies for the timid sea trout was totally engrossing.

The Principal was relieved to see me home safely and took my empty creel in good spirit.

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