Recycling mountains

We drove west today into the Cabo del Gato. Partly to see the flamingos living wild on the salt flats and partly to have lunch at a beach restaurant. Neither disappointed, especially the wood barbecued sea-bass.

On our way there we passed hectares of covered greenhouses for fruit and vegetables. They are not made of glass but of webbing and plastic with air vents at the side. Apparently some 10% of the produce from Almeria is exported to the UK and there is long term anxiety over when Brexit eventually happens what will happen to that trade. A change in tariffs may mean Moroccan produce (for example) is cheaper and that Almeria will lose out.

We passed these mounds of used platic sheeting waiting to be recycled and I thought it made for a more interesting blip than the picture postcard one of the beach which is today's extra.

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