Bolsa mixta
(because Spanish is much easier than Portuguese) (although I don't know if English sayings make any sort of sense literally translated into either Spanish or Portuguese).
What Ruby and I do know is that Lisbon is ace. Such a pretty city to wander and explore, with lovely glimpses down each narrow steep flight of steps or across from every viewpoint.
This was in a very mixed area near the centre that we came upon suddenly as we descended the hill from the castle. Old tiled apartment blocks with an elderly Portuguese woman hanging out on her balcony, Indian and Bangladeshi restaurants on the street below, men and women in Muslim garb walking hither and thither and groups of people around a fountain speaking various languages that weren't Portuguese. It felt like the real beating heart of a surprisingly tolerant and diverse city. A few hundred metres away next to the National Theatre leafy green suburbs and silence. I wonder if the seven hills and the contours of Lisbon contribute to neighbourhoods forming in very defined ways.
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