New Forest Pony Sales
This morning I went to the New Forest Pony Sales at Beaulieu Rd. I've never been before, but it's something I've been promising myself for 6 years.
The train carriage was empty but for one lady, a painter, who was going for much the same reason as I was - to gather images. So when the train let out an enormous bang and a big puff of smoke and the engine died as we coasted into Southampton Central, she and I made common cause and helped to push the rail officials into continuing the journey. Well, she had come all the way from Norfolk.
Here is the undercover sale ring. This pony was quite nervous. As you will see from the Extras though, not all the ponies were straight off the Forest. The oldie I totally lost my heart to. The other Extra - which gives you a chance to see the colours - shows a pony who was happy and obviously used to being handled.
In other news, I wanted to turn my comments back tonight on as I've got through the bulk of what I had to do, but have currently got a stupid problem with my eyes. I'm having to use eyedrops through the day and by early evening I'm having to put this other gunk into them. It's like vaseline and once I've done that I can't see anything much for 12 hours. So I think right now discretion remains the better part of valour. Many apologies.
And I hope you enjoy your evening xx
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