Dawyck Autumn

It has been a day of two halves.

In the morning, I took my September trip to Dawyck Botanical Gardens.  Just as I went in, it rained so I spent much of the time popping the camera in and out to take a quick shot.  This was my last chance before the end of the month so I had to persevere.

Autumn jobs were starting there.  A buggy was going round to pick up fallen branches and someone was blowing leaves off the paths.  Very much more to come.  It hasn't hit its autumn heights yet.

In the afternoon, I did some computer work.  At one point I received an email informing me that the subscription on a website domain was due.  This is a vestige from a working life which is fast receding.  However, I was invited to contact one of their 'happiness engineers' if I needed some support.  What a brilliant job title - I think everyone should be a happiness engineer!!

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