I was very late going to bed last night and was woken just after 7 this morning by our doorbell, which has rather a distinctive sound.  As I couldn’t hear Mr. HCB around, I jumped up, put on my pink robe and ran – well walked, downstairs only to find him in the kitchen nonchalantly stirring his porridge!  He said he hadn’t heard the doorbell and as it has been playing up for a few days, guessed there was no-one there anyway – and he was right.  It’s a wireless bell so something around must trigger it – guess I must be grateful it wasn’t in the middle of the night – although I was awake until about 2.30 a.m. anyway.
It was good that I was up early though, as I was able to have a chat on Messenger with our son in Thailand and then decided before I got my breakfast, I would have a wander in the garden – in my pink robe and slippers – to see if I could find a flower to take against a black background.  I found a lovely Nigella seedhead and thought that would be fine, except I wandered a bit more.  

In the courgette bed, which is netted because next door’s cat thinks our raised beds are giant litter trays, there was a beautiful pink/purple poppy, but sadly it was pushed up against the netting, had become entangled and was a little deformed.  I managed to get the netting off the nails at the side and then gently extricated the poppy from it – but sadly some petals fell off in the process.  However, I still thought it looked beautiful, so here is my offering for Flower Friday. 
Made me think how we can be trapped or imprisoned by situations and circumstances around and within us that weigh us down, change our perspective and leave us frazzled and out of sync with life, but often someone comes along who can help us through the hard times and although it may take a while, we can become whole again.  Sadly for this poppy, it may take until next year when Mr. HCB has saved the seeds and planted them, but I am confident that it will be blooming beautifully – and I will make sure there is no black netting restricting its growth.
“We are stronger than we think.
We have emotional, spiritual
     and even physical resources
          at our disposal.
We may get knocked down,
     but we don’t have to
          stay d
   Steve Goodier    

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