…..that Mr. HCB went to the hospital yesterday and the doctor is pleased with his progress after the two procedures.  He wants to see him in three months, but says there is nothing to worry about - so thank you for all your kind thoughts and good wishes and prayers.  However, he has to put on Factor 50 suncream EVERY day and wear his hat - so the cream has been bought and we will both use it - so we can remind each other.

All along, Mr. HCB has said he wasn’t concerned - and wouldn’t worry until he knew what he had to worry about - he is so sensible - now me, I could worry for England and I daresay most mothers would be like me.

I wasn’t actually intending to take a photograph of him for my Blip today, but our good friend, Keith, who meets with Mr. HCB once a month for breakfast, sent me a text before 7 this morning to say he had a cough and cold and thought it would be best not to come - so as Mr. HCB was already downstairs preparing the table, I thought it would be rude not to sit and share breakfast with him!  I’m very rarely up at this time, so it was quite a shock to the system, I can tell you.  We send our best wishes to Keith and hope he soon feels much better.

Mr. HCB is suitably attired, but I am wearing my pink robe and slippers - well are you surprised?  I thought I was just the bearer of the message that Keith wouldn’t be coming, otherwise I would have got dressed too and taken a photograph of both of us - but seeing me first thing in the morning is not a pretty sight - but perhaps one day!!

We enjoyed the raspberries and blueberries - but I don’t think there will be many more this year - and we are still picking runner beans and a few stray mange tout peas - in fact, when one of our neighbours brought some runner beans for us yesterday, we had to refuse because we still have so many ourselves.  Still nothing on the butternut squash front, but the courgettes are doing well, until the frost comes, as are the tomatoes.

Off to town soon to meet my friend, Caroline - she will be pleased to know my Blip is done today - that saves her having to pose!!

So don’t be anxious about tomorrow. 
     God will take care of your tomorrow too. 
          Live one day at a time.
Matthew 6:34 
The Living Bible

P.S.  Played around with this on my MobileMonet app, if anyone is interested.

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