Autumn By the Canal

Food-wise, this turned out to be a spectacular day, and otherwise, it was very nice too. Mum started by getting us Raggmunk med fläsk, which is potato pancakes with salted pork belly and lingonberry jam. It's the regional dish of Östergötland where we live. We don't eat it very often, but we enjoy it when we do. Yum!

We needed an outing, so after conferring with our English friends, we went to one of the canals for walkies and picnic.

It's one of our favourite walkies, and it was interesting to see the locks open and emptied of water and the trees starting to shift colours. Everything is very late this year. We were the only ones there, and the small ice cream cabin was closed for the season, of course.

But - we had brought picnic! Mum had stopped for a cardamom bun on the way, which we shared and she had coffee. There was, however, something else in the backpack. Nothing eludes my canine supersenses. A pancake, and jam! Mum said the bun was unplanned and replaced the pancake, but hello?! If we're having a picnic and there is a pancake left, it is because it's meant to be eaten, right?

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