My new toy!!!

I have been steadily getting rid of stuff as I've acquired a lot of precious/interesting things from my late mum's house that I can't part with and my small house is now very full. Even so I couldn't resist buying this little beauty that was sitting in the window of a charity shop. 

It's a Vesta Cylinder Bobbin Sewing machine from the 1930's and made by L.O. Dietrich of Germany. It's about 7" high and is of wonderful quality and in superb condition. It sews beautifully  and just needs me to give it a little oil. I love the china handle and the attached pin cushion on the left of the machine, apparently a trademark of the company.

It came with it's original handbook though that is falling to pieces after so long. Luckily it's on a website so I shall print it out to preserve the old one. It contains some wonderful sentences such as "The Bobbin-wormgear-winder is very easy to work, not exposed to any interruptions and gives a tight and clean convoluted bobbin."
There are also some fantastic illustrations as shown in my extras if you have time to look. (They obviously had giant shuttles in Germany!)

I'm really thrilled with my new purchase and now must decide what to make!

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