
By cowgirl

Olympic Champion!

Today the town on Uttoxeter, where my mum was born and bred and now once again lives there, showed it's pride in its new double Olympic medal winner, the swimmer Adam Peaty.

It was a pretty wet day, but the crowds turned out to cheer him as he was driven about on the double decker bus. When he reached the town center the mayor presented him with a book of messages that had been collected from the townsfolk, and Adam gave a small speech of thanks and encouragement to get involved in local sport. Then he wandered down the High Street, hardly knowing where to turn next, signing autographs and having his photo taken with anyone who asked.

Mum and I had lunch in town, then I made my way over to The National Arboretum, where Sav was taking part in the Ride To The Wall event. I'm not sure of the exact figure, but something like 1000 bikers and then more who come by car, attend this thanksgiving memorial service.

I was also hoping to catch up with a fellow Blipper:
.... however, when I arrived and sent a text to Sav to see where he was, he replied he was at home! It had been so wet pretty much everyone had gone! I'm still none the wiser about how the time of the service was changed, or if there was even one? Anyhoo, I caught the bus back to the car park ( no phone reception there, otherwise I would have known at that point not to bother even getting out of the car! ) and made my way homewards, via the egg vending machine and a quick visit to see a friend who's helping her sister renovate a large house in the High Street of Tutbury. As it happens, Sav rented a room there many years a go, as it was converted into flats in the '80's. I might be commandeered to slap some paint on the walls once the time comes, which I'm quite looking forward to!

Arrived home and decided it wasn't worth being annoyed with Sav for not letting me know the bike event had folded early. I made some apple cakes for tomorrow and watched Strictly and Swedish police drama before catching up on my blipping.

It's now just gone midnight and I should be asleep as I'm keeping Emma company at a show in the morning. I guess we all know what tomorrow's blip will be then ....

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