am bioran

By AmBioran

Fidelis in Adversis*

With a fine autumn day forecast, we embarked on a tour of the Forth estuary. First a stop at the House of the Binns for a walk up to the Binns Tower (extra) and then a wet foot walk through the parkland fields. Sure footedness was required to hop over the cow pats whilst spying all of East Central Scotland below. A fine viewpoint.

Next on the itinerary led us west to the village of Airth and a sunny stop at the iconic Dunmore Pineapple (extra). More wet feet walking across the dewy grass of the apple orchard still not dried by the October sun.

Over the Kincardine Bridge to the north shore and time for lunch at the excellent Biscuit Cafe in Culross. The car parks were full, but the wee toun didn't feel so. As we strolled around the cobbled streets and steep alleys the sun continued to shine and the Palace garden was a fine corner for a sit down (main pic).

*The title is the inscription above the door of the Pineapple.

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