Getting Closer

I had  rather lazy day today - watching the Grand Prix, making slide shows and .................. not a lot else.

But I thought there might be a reasonable sunset so headed to North Queensferry - and got stuck in the virtually stationary queue of traffic which backed up for nearly 3 miles. All for 4 guys working on a barrier protected by a concrete wall designed to deflect wayward lorries - and the closed off lane!
So I didn't get the chance to walk around and get some pre-sunset shots and missed the best of the light (it didn't last for long despite the promise)
See what I mean?

There are some more shots of the bridge if you want to have  a dig about.

In the late evening I had to collect Bags from the station after her rather fraught journey back from Yorkshire ........ trouble with cancelled trains due to a herd of cows being hit earlier, confusion with the station notice boards and their fictitious times and no food or reserved seats in first class.

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