Happy Birthday Derek!

The day started normally - I had a fantastic play on the beach.

Went to my dogsitters, then when I came home Ann dressed me up in a Tshirt?!

Then I had to guard the house while she went out in the same ridiculous Tshirt?!

Apparently Ann's had a great night out, while I've been left 'home alone'??!!

Happy Birthday Derek.

PS - Derek is Ozzy's owner. And Ozzy is my handsome boyfriend!

PPS - In the 1970's Ann was a 'New Seekers' fan?!

Now she's a a 'BLOOZE' fan.

Ann says, FABULOUS NIGHT! Thanks Derek!

.........................I just hope I'm going to get 'extra walks' for being abandoned sooo much tonight??!!

This is an edit - Ann had done a link to BLOOZE but for some reason the link didn't work. Hope this has??!!

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