Not Montalbano

We left our lovely Agriturismo to make our way north east to Catania, to stay near the airport for our morning flight tomorrow.

We had intended to visit turtle beach but we'd forgotten how busy it would be on a Saturday. The nearest parking was a mile away, We continued to Fontane Biancchi to a public beach to have a swim and a picnic. We'd only got settled when we realised we'd left the wine in the car, so Mr C went back for it, to find my rucksack (with my Rab raincoat, good fleece jacket, head torch, toiletries and Chanel makeup) had gone from the boot. There was no sign of the car having been broken into, and all the rest of the luggage was still there. Later we found S's bumbag containing all their chargers and adaptors etc had also gone.

No doubt the insurance will find some way of getting out of our claim, but just in case, we found the Carabinieri to report it and get a form filled in. Sadly Montalbano was not in the office. It was an interesting experience. I managed to explain about the bag, but my Italian fell short when it came to bumbag and I didn't like to think what I might have been suggesting inadvertently!

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