Goodbye Sicily

What a trashy start to our day. Mike has an app for his phone which supposedly finds its way to any address, by the best route. To get from our hotel to the airport it took us through a street market, or more like a Sunday morning car boot sale. There was only just room to get the car through between the stalls - which would have been great had the road not been full of milling people who kept banging on the car as we tried to get through. We followed a white van, which stopped by a stall, called to the stall-holder, and a chain saw was handed in to him. Eventually after 2streets of this we got away, stopping to fill up with diesel where we found EAnnBlair also filling up,

Catania airport is not the most relaxing of places with two of us now down with stinking colds.

Back to Manchester, then to a car park to meet S and M's son who was bringing their dog back, then on to Yorkshire to their place where we picked up our car. Home at 8.30pm. Not far to travel but over 12 hours to do it!

I hope to get back to looking at journals again soon. It's been a great holiday. But a week is nowhere near long enough in Sicily which as so much to offer - -and take. Someone is smelling very nice with my Jo Malone perfume and keeping cosy in my fleece.

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