In suspension.

My hairdresser was due at  9 o' clock this morning, and if she is running late, she usually texts me. J said, are you sure you have the right day, well I was, until he said that. I was so glad when she turned up, although she was only about 15 minutes late, and she did apologize profusely. When she left, J made me a mushroon omelete, and it was delicious. This afternoon, J cut the lawns, and I painted the electricity meter cover, which is outside our back door.  What a stupid day to do it, with  the wind  almost gale force, maybe a bit of an  exaggeration  and my hair was blowing in my face. I was glad to come back inside, and then I decided to clean the blinds in the bathroom. A woman's work is never done! I still didn't have a blip,so we went to Merthr Mawr, where I took this shot. 

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