Visiting the Percys

I'm backplipping.

We got back last night and had to clean up the house a bit and get the laundry done this morning as I was picking up an old friend from the station. She is a Dutch but moved to U.K. when young and settled here. We met on an OU course in Norwich 35 years ago.

When I picked her up I said I had a great treat in store for her. She said "You are never taking me to the Percys are you?" - she knows me well! But I was taking her to Alnwick Garden, as I know she is a keen gardener.

Even better was the treat of a youth orchestra from Hamburg playing to us as we sat in the sunshine - the cascade is in the background. They were so good. My favourite piece was "Finlandia".

We got home and I cooked dinner. Chris came over too so we had a jolly evening though I'm sick of my cold already.

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