Lunch Time

Hastings Point was where I wanted to go today ...when my friend came and picked me up for an outing.
The day was glorious and I am sure that if I didnt have a big black boot on my foot I would of jumped right into the aventurine coloured water (pale greeny torquoise)...that is how inviting it looked.

We sat on the point and whilst we ate our lunch.....and discussed matters of the universe the humpback whales put on quite a show...some coming quite close ....slapping flukes and generally enjoying the beautiful day.
The whole thing was idyllic and wonderful until a bitey ant found its way up my trouser leg to my knickers and bit me on the arse. I think if it wasnt for the  'Boot' I may of made a complete fool of myself and dropped my drawers right there and then to get the little bugger...luckily I didnt. Three more bites to my wounds today...and all itchy  as hell...(if its not nits and all that).

This family was expected to share their pizza with some hungry gulls....they are always hungry those birds.

“There is a pleasure in the pathless woods,
There is a rapture on the lonely shore,
There is society, where none intrudes,
By the deep sea, and music in its roar:
I love not man the less, but Nature more”
- George Gordon Byron

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