Urban Warrior

I love the crazy costumes the kid creates...this one had tulle wings at the back...and later he donned his Kylo Ren mask (he really has a thing abut liking the bad guys...is that just a boy thing or do we need to worry?) a bit of a change from the Darth Vader one.

I'm sitting here with cucumbers on my arms to relieve the sting and itch of the ant bites from yesterday....itchy as anything...and large puffy welts (no I don't have any cucumbers on my bum)...kept me awake for a good part of the night...all up I have 5 bites to choose from...which one to itch first.
The nit treatment seemed to of worked although there is a bit of phantom itching (I hope) still going on...just even writing the word..... I'm having a good scratch.
I wont go into the hole in my back that was created by the doc today.

The year seems to be disapprearing fast...thundering along like a heard of wild buffalos....talking to a friend today we set the intention for a more 'peaceful'  and 'gentle' next year.

There are too many things to be thankful and grateful for....and bonus....I think I only have another week in the black boot.

“Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.”
- Marcel Proust

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