Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

The Passage of Time

What is it about time? Six minutes when you are pushing sixty and working out on a rowing machine seems to go on and on (he says from experience); but when your football team is losing 1-0 with six minutes to go the time just flies by.

Dylan's healing time seems to be lengthy, but at least he does seem to be slowly improving. We're still working on the practical arrangements around sleeping and keeping an eye on him 24 hours a day (ask TSM who slept with him on the living room floor with everything that entailed), but that will finish eventually. Then there will be the matter of psychological recovery ... Today it was Top Gun who kindly did patient duty (and I mean that in both senses of the word). Dylan is pictured here on the hall mat, which is where he likes to go for a stroll so that he can have a good scratch and a stretch. After major surgery, a little walk is about all you can manage.

The Dizzle by contrast went out clubbing all night then pitched up for work at 6am. Who needs sleep when you have that kind of endurance?

I was, as several people including TSM observed, in very good spirits at work today. Wittier than Private Eye, more energy than a fresh pack of Duracell, and sharper than a Gillette razor (I think they call that product placement). For example I managed to wear down  persuade our office manager to buy a new microwave for the staff kitchen through moaning until she gave in using my limitless charm and excellent negotiation skills. The one we have wouldn't melt ice cream on high if you set the timer for thirty minutes.

Even managed the gym after work tonight. Including a very long six minutes on the rowing machine ... 

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