Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Putting a brave face on it

A few weeks ago I described how I photographed fruit for a leaflet we were producing at work for mental health services. This is the result. Having used the services earlier in the year when I was off work with stress I was of course very happy to be involved in their publicity. Mental health issues are at last beginning to lose their stigma. Even the East End geezer in my local grocers was talking about the dangers of stress the other day, which impressed me (and he's a man who knows his apples from his pears).

Had another good day today; don't know why I've felt so energised the last forty eight hours. But making hay whilst the sun shines. We had a takeaway tonight because we have both been so busy; I was in the office until six despite it being a Friday and TSM has had a really busy week.

Anyway I have a feeling of contentment tonight. And that is always a good thing ...

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