
By bananablip


This is Ellie, another bundle of fun who's volunteering with us on Fridays. She's been helping with a new lunch club we've been running and I'm hoping that she'll be a really great influence on some of the girls that come along. Sometimes it's so sad to hear what's going on in their lives, so hopefully Ellie will be able to be someone they can talk to about that. It's nice that the school is a good 20 minutes away as it gives us a good chance to chat and catch up. She's a good egg, that one.

Today has been bouncing from one thing to the next which has been good, as its' meant that I haven't had the chance to sit around and feel sorry for myself. I did have an excellent night's sleep last night so I'm feeling much better anyway. 

My trustees are keen that I do some Professional Development so I'm planning on spending the evening looking through a Prospectus that arrived today. Quite exciting to think about studying again although, if I'm honest, I wasn't particularly good at it the first time around.

Conversation overheard by some high school students on the way home: "if you had taken your stress ball out of your bag you would have squeezed it so hard that it might even have exploded and it would have gone all over your work". Hopefully not one of TJC's students.

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