Rest, or lack thereof

Today was supposed to be a day of rest so that from tomorrow onwards I can get back to running, working and being a normal human being. However, I've discovered that I'm either a) really rubbish at rest or b) better.

Prayer breakfast this morning probably helped lift my mood because that gang are such a great bunch of brilliant prayers and encouragers. I always feel ready for the next month ahead after I've been with our supporters. I then tried to sit down for 5 minutes but ended up going to the market for groceries, walking down to do my recycling (and seeing CS en route) and then pottering around the house. By 4pm I was bored again so went out for a long walk. 

Tonight's dinner was Hugh's crab, avocado, apple and brussel sprout salad. I've discovered that his 'Light and Easy' cookbook takes the 'light' bit a little too literally. I ate a portion that was supposed to be for two. 

Gosh, dullest blip ever. You're welcome.

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