Look into my eyes....
Lol, I should have blipped this yesterday.
Sadly faithful little camera has had a bump - a fall of less than 2ft, not a single scratch - but the "Optical Image Stabiliser" is broken, making it near impossible to use. In today's disposable world I suspect it means the end, but I'll take it to the camera shop next week to confirm.
Thank you for all the lovely comments on the last two days blips, Red is v pleased to be on popular I'm sure.
Philosophy Friday seems very apt given the people I know here and in real life.
"I think kindness is probably my number one attribute in a human being. I'll put it before any of the other things like courage or bravery or generosity or anything else....Kindness....that simple word, to be kind, it covers everything in my mind.
If you're kind that's it."
Roald Dahl.
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