Reservoir (Day 515)

We had a remarkably good evening with my Mum and Dad last night. A splendid dinner was cooked by my beautiful wife and we had another one of those evening where it seemed impossible to leave the dining table. Wine (and later, whisky) flowed and we talked about everything and nothing, laughing all the while.
This morning we all wandered up the hill with the three dogs and watched Taliscularis the Big hunting voles. Surprisingly he actually caught one this morning.
After Mum and Dad went home, we had a bit of a tidy up, then headed to Stromness to walk the dogs. The strong sunshine was lovely, though the breeze kept us cool. The dogs chased a hare until it escaped through a fence.
On the way home we popped in to see Ej, leaving her laughing at, or perhaps with us. It has been a good day.

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