Big Al's Mud Bog

Big Al has a serious birthday party. It even costs 5 dollars to get in. (His wife works with Lisa, so we didn't pay. I gave her my photographer excuse. "I'm just going in to take a few pictures.") Big trucks and Jeeps show up to try to get through huge puddles of mud.

You notice I said try. In the time we watched, 10 trucks tried, and only 2 made it through. All the others got stuck, and had to be towed out.

Merrick likes to watch, as long as he can wear his ear-phones. It is LOUD!!! He is sitting there with my daughter and son-in-law.

I wasn't planning on it, but we became part of the event. It was a long drive into the mud area, and I followed the arrows to what I thought was the parking area. It was a parking area, but it was for the 4-wheelers...not my passenger van.

You guessed it. I got stuck...hung up...mudded in. My son-in-law and a friend had to come push me out. Made me wish I would have had my old Jeep CJ5.

The lady in the stuck Jeep was a pretty good sport. She was covered in mud. Her Jeep-mate had to get out to help set up the tow rope, but she refused to leave the vehicle. (She must have had her good shoes on.)

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