Roadworks in Maidstone Town Centre

Roadworks have been going on since June and are not expected to be completed until December. Fortunately we don't have to go that way very often but when we do it is not an easy journey. Even last week when I was coming back from school at 8.00pm there were queues.

I hope the pain will be worth it in the long run. The Maidstone Gyratory has been in place for some 30 years, has become very conjested and the most polluted part of the town. Traffic travelling from north to south along the east bank of the River Medway had to bear left to cross the river by the old bridge, bear right, bear right again along the west bank to recross the river by the "New" St Peter's Bridge and finally bear left to continue north. These works will cut out that Omega shaped journey.

Planners assure us that the new layout will being about extra capacity, even given the additional traffic generated by all these new houses and improve air quality. We'll wait and see. I'll try to blip some other shots of the works and a final shot when it is all complete.

A good rugby match this afternoon. two unbeaten teams competing to top the table. Medway edged the game 22-8 but it was very even until part way through the second half when a breakaway try turned the tables for Medway.

A very pleasant evening, as always, on a Saturday evening. Hairy Dieters Fish Stew (followed by ice cream and chocolate!)

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