Seeing is believing

By hoover

High Speed Power Station

I blipped this whilst on a train in the Doncaster area. I was coming home from my two day business trip to London.

The key words re our new 'Legal scheme case work management system' a.k.a CRM a.k.a Customer Relationship Management are:

1) Continuity
2) Audit trails
3) Accountability
4) A load of bollocks
5) Loads of extra work for staff on my grade

From the total national staff, fifteen of us were told to attend the CRM Workshop as part of the project team.
This project team was whittled down to four people to form the internal project team.
This internal project team will then have private meetings, then more meetings with the project team, then more meetings with, who knows, an external project team.
After all these meetings about meetings, the system should be formed and the system will be piloted. More meetings will occur about that.
In other words, the lucky four get to spend half their lives having meetings about meetings.
Muggins is one of the four.

It has been a grey day. Time spent with people I don't like is a total waste.
Time in meetings about organising other meetings winds me up.
Time spent giving crap names to things is a joke.
I am glad to be home.

No more work until 5th January 2009! I'm dreading that day already.

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