Off Centre

By RachelCarter


Thanks to a local friend on Twitter we went to Broomhill Sculpture gardens today (she went yesterday and it reminded me it's about time we went back again)

We even managed to persuade Gemma to come with us! Whoop! (in fact I got her to choose my blip photo for tonight)

Tess has been flaky for 8 days now and has lost her appetite and energy. I suspect all her coughing means she's getting less of the deep healthy sleep that she needs. I'm a big sleep person. It's highly underrated! I think you could fix many grumpy/depression/health/behaviour/attitude problems if you could figure out how to make sure people had enough sleep.

She did make an effort though and I look forward to taking her back again one day when she feels better. I'm pretty mentally tired after 8 days with a child who looks like my child but doesn't act like my child.

I took sooooo many photos and have deleted half but can't be bothered to faff about with them any longer so have put them all on flickr

The olympics are closing tonight - unless you are a paralympic... In which case they haven't even begun yet...

The Olympics craze has been blown up. I can't see why and I can't see why I'm not allowed to say that without being attacked or accused of saying things I haven't said!
I've watched the opening ceremony, the closing ceremony, bits and pieces in between. I think we need to keep things in perspective and accept that brilliant people do excellent, exhausting things all the time all over the world without gold medals and because someone gets a gold medal it doesn't make them a better person than someone who doesn't have one. Many people are working and struggling and suffering and achieving on a much greater level and are not being recognised.

Someone I know is currently attacking the inclusion of The Beatles' songs in the closing ceremony. I bet he's not getting as much shit as I've been getting for asking people to take a look at themselves and the way they prioritise things. I've been argued with for this. For stepping back and thinking widely. Not about me and my life but about what I see as a balanced society. I don't get it. I'm a nice person.


Michael Rosen tweeted this this evening:
I want to admire the sporting performers (I do)without being told that this must mean that what they do makes the country great.

He has been attacked too for trying to see a wider picture. For caring. Why? Why are people so defensive? Is it because they know he's right and they feel guilty?

I've come to the conclusion most people are actually quite shallow. It's horrible when you reach that age/phase in life, isn't it?

Being shallow was so much easier

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