I didn't think they'd fit!

I needed 12 of these 15" square containers for the climbers I have ordered. Loathe to pay a delivery charge and assured by the assistant they would go in the car, we started to load them. As the dog cage was in the back we could not do the obvious and put the back seats down and stack them in the back - only two would go inside the cage because they needed space to manoeuvre through the door of it, the rest had to go on the back seat. Well, they did - just! We had to put the front passenger seat forward to put three between the front and back seats and my friend had to ride home with her knees almost under her chin - good job it was only a 20 minute journey home. Tomorrow when I go to see Hilda I will call in and get the compost to put in them - eight 50litre bags should do it - then I just need the plants to arrive.

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