Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

Jumping in!

Lots going on at the island with 13 people --the start of of a new fort on the beach, jumping waves, kayaking, hiking the trails, lots of eating. Tatum has had a bet with her Dad that when she learned to swim a length of the pool he would jump off our dock into the 57 degree F. water. Well last summer he weasled out of it. But this summer on a nice hot day today he did it. However, no, this is not her Dad, this photo is of the friend from London, 11 year old Adam, who also decided to jump in if it would be part of the video that they are making with Adam's very nice video camera. It's not all that cold really - one can swim around a few minutes..... :-) But not Tatum. Or me.
The brother and family left late today....

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