
By sarah1708

Hi Liam!

Another busy day… I am meant to start my first lab rotation on Monday but I’m a bit worried after talking to my supervisor. It is much more mathematically demanding than I thought it was, and would involve learning a lot more about maths and modelling (up to third year maths for some of it).  It is all to do with computers and producing equations to track the spread of plant diseases. Because of this, my supervisor has told me to make sure that I am definitely ready to take it on, and would be possibly keen to take it on as my PhD afterwards. So I now need to decide whether I actually want to do this - as well as what I would do if I changed. I also won’t get any email responses as it’s the weekend, meaning that I’m not going to be ready to start my rotation at the time that everyone else starts on Monday! It’s currently very stressful!!!

However, Liam’s arrival for the weekend has made things much much better. It was a long journey from St Andrews but he was able to get away early and arrive just after 7pm. We ate fajitas together and went to bed early - we had both had too much work to do over the past week for any exciting plans! 

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