
By fincheg

No clowning around

So after a 'rest day' yesterday I set my alarm for 6am this morning once more. This time I managed to limit the snooze to 10 minutes and hauled myself out of bed for the 7.10am Body Pump class.

I always seem to just make it but luckily my friend Louise had sorted out my box and mat prior to my arrival. I don't know why I worry about my tardiness because there is a fellow pumper who is literally late to every single class without fail. In fact she's so late she normally rocks up towards the end of the squat track, and in her haste loads up her bar up with weights that are far too heavy. This means anyone in her immediate vicinity has the potential to be taken down by an errant 5kg plate.

With early morning pump under my belt I headed off to work with renewed vigour and that certain smugness of someone who works out in the morning.

Buoyed by my renewed sense of positivity I decided to park in the furthest space possible from the office to maximise my steps. A great idea until I exited at 5pm to torrential rain.

I have a really sedentary job where I spend most of my day stuck behind a computer so trying to be active in the day is a challenge. It is also a challenge to dodge all the cakes and biscuits etc that often get passed around. It's a constant battle to resist, but resist I did - today anyway.

Despite it being a busy one I also managed to squeeze in a power walk to Sainsbury's. Another little win.

As part of this Race to the Stones business I have decided to sign up for a couple of 10km runs (the first being early March 2017). I thought this would help me work on my endurance and pace as I am a slow jogger.

Where I live and work is far from picturesque but I do like to try and get outside to run as I'm not really a fan of the treadmill. Plus every time I'm on one I nearly fall off at least once. One day it will happen.

Anyway, imagine my horror at reading in the paper and on social media that there had been several of those killer clown sightings in my local area!! I'm not particularly spooked by clowns but these are next level creepy. The last thing I want is to be rounding a corner at dusk and running into one of those. Especially given my current woeful pace per mile. Even with them in clown shoes I am confident I couldn't out run one. Despite myself arguably having clown sized feet (size 9.5, huge for a girl).

Anyway in all seriousness until this ridiculous phenomenon dies a death I will take my chances on the treadmill. Tonight I managed a full hour, mixing up walking and jogging.

My results are today's photo.

276 days to go!

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