
By fincheg

Hip Thrusters

I won't bore you all with my daily activities today. Instead I'll skip straight to this evenings antics which consisted of a 1-2-1 with my Personal Trainer.

I have only recently joined this particular gym and as part of my membership I get one free PT session a month. Tonight was my third session.

I am no stranger to personal training, in fact I actually had a trainer for the best part of a year in the run up to my wedding. I wouldn't say that I was in peak physical condition when I got married but I was certainly in the best shape I had been in and I wasn't horrified by my wedding pictures.

Unfortunately after my nuptials and honeymoon it didn't take long for my hard work to be undone.

So having advised him of my plans to walk / run 100km next July, my trainer Ian had been looking into the best muscle conditioning exercises to torture me with in our sessions. He also advised that we would be doing certain exercises that would help with my poor flexibility.

I won't go into what he made me do but none of it was pleasant.

A particular highlight of the session was the 'hip thruster'. An exercise that involves lying on your back and raising your hips up and then down with a slight pause at the top. Of course who should stroll into the gym at this exact moment, fresh from Body Pump but my friend Louise...

She couldn't have walked in just as I was smashing deadlifts with a 24kg kettle bell could she? Oh, no! *the shame* it's a good job we're close, and to be fair she's seen me in far worse states.

Oh well, it's all a means to an end and I am also grateful for the encouragement of the other gym goers who stand and watch me huff and puff, whilst looking mildly amused.

It's been almost a week since I signed up for this challenge and my enthusiasm hasn't waned... I'm winning.

275 days to go!

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