Snapshots of reality

By ktbm

How many bridges do you need?

A lot!

Last night I went to watch the Olympic closing ceremony with two Dutch guys and two Canadian girls from my hostel. We had some beers and watched up until the talking, and the Dutch guys knew more of the acts than the Canadians! On the way back to the hostel we walked past a very drunk girl standing on the corner of a road pretty much unable to function. So we stopped, found out her hostel, managed to persuade a taxi driver to take an unconscious girl home and then found some guys who knew who she was to go back with her. A good deed done!

Today I went up to the castle and saw the changing of the guard and the filming of a Czech Mercedes advert with a composer in the SLS and musicians in each of their other vehicles. It was interesting!!! Following that I wandered through the Royal Gardens to the metronome which stands on the location of the former largest statue of Stalin in the world. Lunch was a Wenceslas sausage, followed by coffee in Starbucks. I know.

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