Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly


Really needs no more explanation than that.

It's been a bit of a trying day. 31 week midwife appointment with yet another midwife and today I got told my platelet count is low and they would do urgent repeat bloods. Wasn't told anymore, other than I may bleed lots and bruise easily and could be why I've been so tired. She indicated that if the repeat test results are lower I'd be sent to the hospital.

On top of that I mentioned that squiggles was quiet last night and while I had felt some kicks they weren't as definite as normal and well I wasn't really sure. She tried listening in to heartbeat and struggled only really getting echoes and a very quick lock on babies heart beat, which if of course doesn't really mean anything it's the movements that are key, but still doesn't stop it from being bloody scary. Decided to wait just a bit longer before calling the hospital and pleased to say that squiggles has been trampolining on my bladder. I think yesterday he had shifted and was hiding lower down.

But still just feeling rather flat with it all. I feel I have no continuity of care, always a different midwife, always a different consultant underling and no one seems to know what going on or actually addressing my concerns regarding my disabilities. My illnesses seem to get ignored and they focus on my BMI I'm so frustrated and now debating contacting PALs at the hospital to mediate.

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