Da New High School

There was a brief glimpse of sunshine this morning, but think that great spell of weather is coming to an end.  It has been dry all day, but overcast and a breeze starting. 

Another day on the museum desk.  With the cooler dull day, it's been a busy day in the museum.  I've been out to the Bixter S.W.I. tonight with old photos to show.  I also had to judge the competition, and mmmm fantastic home bakes.  Kept my eyes on the skies for the northern lights, no joy, too cloudy tonight.

I had a walk about town at lunchtime and headed to the Clickimin loch.  The new high school is fairly coming on now, but still not sure what I think of it.  I'll keep an open mind until it's finished, and let's hope it doesn't start sinking, like the SIC offices have!  Taken at Clickimin, Lerwick. 

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