Bird on da Boat

It's been another cracking day of sunshine and warm again too :)

I've been working in the office today and getting on with more scanning of photos.  We were short staffed on the museum desk, so I went down to cover in the afternoon.  Even with the fine day, it;s been a busy day in the museum and we also had a family workshop on too. 
I met mam and nieces at lunchtime and enjoyed the sunshine :)
Plenty of walkies with Sammy on this fine night, before I head off to work in the pub later.

With such a lovely and calm day, the sea reflections have been wonderful too :)  I spotted this peerie scorie looking for breakfast on this fine day.  As I got closer, he didn't seem bothered by me being there and continued to keep his eye on the food, at the same time, giving me great reflections :)  Taken at Hay's Dock, Lerwick.

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