Fay's Photo Challenge

By Faylm

Family and House

Today's theme: something you are grateful for

Being good and doing yesterday's theme today. Possible to do it today because my husband and kids are all available to photograph at the same time.

Being grateful for things is something I struggle with, because I tend to feel that I always want more than I have.

But I am grateful that I have a husband, of nearly 12 years...most couples don't last 2 minutes married these days. And I am acutely aware that many people don't have this.

I am grateful that I have 2 kids, who drive me bananas sometimes but I love them to bits. I am also aware that not everyone is blessed with children

I am grateful too that I have a house, a roof over my head, because not everyone has that either.

So many things to be grateful for but these are the most important ones.

Without them, I'd have nothing and be nothing.

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